Anna Fellander

Anna Fellander

Founder & CEO


Anna Felländer has a been engaged with responsible AI from a policy, academic, organizational as well as from a start-up perspective since 2016. Her background is as an economist at the Swedish Ministry of Finance and at the Prime Minister’s Office during the financial crisis. Anna was Chief Economist at Swedbank, one of Sweden’s largest retail banks until I started my multidisciplinary research on responsible AI as an affiliated researcher at the Royal Institute of Technology in 2016. She is the founder and CEO of anch.AI, a SaaS B2B platform for AI governance.

Speaker on

Panel discussion - Key AI technologies to watch and how they will impact industries

Panel Discussion VC Summit
02/09/2024 | 10:30 - 11:15

AI Enablement: Pioneering the Next Wave of Innovation

Institut Europia Program
02/09/2024 | 12:30 - 13:15 | Alan Turing Agora