AI for the greater good of society

Lightning Talks AI for Society

08/02/2024 | 14h00 - 14h30 | The Ambassadors Theatre


AI, Conflict and Geopolitical Risk
Max MURPHY, Data Scientist at OVERWATCH DATA (in remote)

New breakthroughs on healthcare through AI: how genAI will drive a new era in medicine
Romain FORESTIER, Tech & Scientific Research Director, JEDI

AI to accelerate Climate and biodiversity action
Constanza GOMEZ MONT, founder and Principal of C Minds; founder of AI for Climate; cofounder and Director of NaturaTech LAC, C MINDS (in remote)

Harnessing AI to improve healthcare in Africa
Nyasha SAMHEMBERE, founder, FEELS

Applying AI to power grids - increasing reliability and resiliency in the energy industry
Erik ÅSBERG, Chief Technology Officer at ESMART SYSTEMS